Love Talking

Erica Campbell talks about how we have to learn to love Jesus more deeply. Often, we find focusing on Jesus and living according to his word really difficult. But Erica explains how, if we can take a more of a close look at what we find difficult about getting closer to God, we can get over […]

This edition of Love Talk has to do with receiving kind words well. Often, when we are given compliments and kind, positive words, our instinct is to somehow reject it, however politely. We make excuses for ourselves to try to minimize the affirmation that has been given to us. We tell people how little something […]

Erica Campbell talks about how sometimes, when we’re upset about something, we can be resistant to the positivity and the love around that is trying to penetrate your bubble of sadness and lift you up. Erica recalls a story of her own heartbreak when she was younger, sulking after a break-up with a boy. She says her […]

In this edition of the Love Talk, GRIFF introduces Erica Campbell to Davetta, a childhood friend and a cousin Terri, who tell an endearing and hilarious story about part of his faith journey as a seventh grade student. GRIFF says Terri was the girl who helped everybody find Jesus back when they were in school together. She, Davetta and GRIFF completed […]

In today’s Love Talk, Erica Campbell reminds us of that pretty well known scripture that says that we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Do we love our neighbors? In fact, in this day and age, do we even know our neighbors? This extends to everyone, next door to us on both sides as […]

In this edition of Erica Campbell‘s Love Talk is focused on the challenge of loving ourselves constantly. The love of self is probably the hardest form of love to keep up with and to stay healthy with, because we are always our own greatest critics. Even the advice and nurturing we give other people, we don’t take […]

In this edition of Love Talk, Erica Campbell explains why parents need to be careful not to love their kids from their hurt instead of the heart. She talks about making sure to love them sincerely from your heart as opposed to a place of fear or pain from your past experiences, and establishing an […]