

In Ventura, California, a white history teacher told students ex-President Donald Trump is still the president. She was also recorded saying things to a classroom full of pre-teens about vaccines and the son of President Joe Biden that she had zero facts to substantiate. 

Sen. Ben Ray Lujan pointed out that platforms spend more resources rooting out misinformation in English but often overlook the same false information in Spanish. He also called out the ways in which trust, a foundational principle of democracy, has been under attack.  

Biden has the Congressional Black Caucus to thank for the final push. Black lawmakers negotiated with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to sign off on the bill to pour trillions of dollars into damaged roads, bridges, tunnels, and transit. Initially, Democrats were steadfast in their decision to pass the infrastructure bill and the president social welfare and climate change proposal estimated at $1.85 trillion. Still, the idea was shot down by House officials. Black Caucus members pushed for Pelosi to pass the bill immediately and then hold a vote for the larger climate bill hopefully come mid-November, The New York Times noted.


If not for the crisis facing Haitians at the border, many people would still question me when I say that immigration is indeed a Black issue. While Haiti is fresh in our psyche, it would be detrimental to Haitian asylum seekers to neglect to see the broader scope of challenges facing diverse populations of Black immigrants. As much as Haitian migrants want relief, they understand the impact of America’s immigration crisis on fellow Black immigrants at and within the border. 


Morgan State University received a $2.7 million endowment to revive its wrestling program.


Florida A&M University named its new performing arts center after entertainment mogul Will Packer.


North Carolina Central University recently unveiled a program designed to increase the representation of Black male teachers.


Usher’s nonprofit has received a $500,000 endowment to advance its youth financial literacy initiative.


Figueroa's wheelchair was damaged while traveling over the summer, and the replacement wheelchair provided did not properly support her needs. For people without mobility challenges, this might not seem like a big deal. Still, for Figueroa, who had particular physical support and mobility requirements, it was literally a matter of life and death.  


Texas Republican state Rep. Matt Krause has compiled a list of 850 books he has identified as materials that "might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex," and requested that school districts report possessing any books from the list.

The Judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial dismissed a juror on the third day of deliberation because they told a joke to the courtroom deputy about the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Ruggs' Chevrolet Corvette smashed into the rear end of the victim's Toyota RAV-4, instantly bursting the vehicle into flames.