Growing up many children and teenagers attend church with their family, but according to a recent study that changes as they become young adults.

Bible study can be held inside churches, community centers and many other places.

GRIFF explains that sometimes, God is testing us and we don't even realize it.

In Faith Walking, Erica Campbell has a message for those who misconstrue the word.

In this edition of the Love Talk, GRIFF is moved in his spirit to say something to all the men listening out there who may feel like things aren’t going the way they want them to be. He explains that men, because of their nature of wanting to fix things, not show emotion and just […]

In this edition of the Faith Walk, Erica Campbell discusses why it’s imperative that we know who we are, what we want and what we believe to be true about ourselves. Answer your own questions, she says. Go into the bible and find the passages that will help you. Even if you have to take […]