
In 2002, Erica Campbell went to the Stellar Awards for the first time with her sister, Tina Campbell.

GRIFF is about to take a plane and spoke about how a recent story Erica Campbell learned something from.

Erica Campbell grew up in church and all through life had to deal with certain battles.

Russell Wilson knows how to keep a smile on Ciara’s face and we just love to see these two together.

When we see David Mann and Tamela Mann on interviews, red carpets or performing together they’re always smiling, laughing and enjoying the company of each other.

Like many of us GRIFF was left sad after finding out he didn’t hit the lottery.

In January, Snoop Dogg fans were shocked when he announced he was going to make a gospel album.

Every year Woman, Thou Art Loosed! Master Class is held to bring women together to talk about God, entrepreneurship and so much more.

GRIFF has had so many opportunities in life and continues to thank Jesus for all of them.

If you weren't watching sports this weekend you missed out on some great games and a crazy fight.