Grammy Award–winning gospel singer, television star, and radio host Erica Campbell can now add author to her lengthy list of achievements.

She recently announced that her book "More Than Pretty: Doing the Soul Work that Uncovers Your True Beauty" can be purchased on September 24th, 2019.


The viral photo of a toddler staring at Michelle Obama’s portrait in amazement is the inspiration behind a new children’s book.

In a new episode of ABC News’ Journeys Of Faith With Paula Farris, Bishop T.D. Jakes opened up about some of his life’s darkest moments and how they strengthened his faith in God.

His new book, "Crushing: God Turns Pressure into Power," will give fans of his work a bigger insight into Jakes life as well as help them understand things about themselves.

She’s trying to show young children the beauty in their blackness as well.

The Grammy-award winning songstress has announced that she is releasing a memoir later this year.

Devon Franklin is known for his preaching, films and dynamic books.

Michelle Obama shares how she was introduced to higher learning outside of her hometown, what she learned from diversifying herself through different circles, the first time she remembers using her voice to advocate for herself and more in an exclusive interview with Erica Campbell and Griff.