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Money Monday | Sariel and Zion Phillips


It’s Get Up Mornings, y’all and joining us today for money. Monday are the social kid preneurs and owners of I got bank 6th grader, serial and 4th grader Zion. Thank y’all so much for being on with us today. First, sorry you’ll tell us about I got bank. 


Sariel and Zion Phillips: 

Either bank is to help kids plan and budget with. We want to teach kids how to budget and track their money with a plan and a goal so they know how much money they need and how much they’re gonna get. 



I love it. I love it. What inspired you guys to start this business? 


Sariel and Zion Phillips: 

Erica, let me tell you something. I met these young ladies at an event and they were. They had a nice display and they have. Everything is so colorful. And then they was like, you wanna learn about? I was like I’m good. And Zion the the youngest one ran up to me and she said no. You want to know about I got bank. 



I love it. I love it. What are some products that you guys offer on the I got bank website. 


Sariel and Zion Phillips: 

Our top ten products are budget by KIT has three ways for kids to track their savings goals, but saving is for long term. They give us for charity and they live it to a short term money. Basically the money in your wallet. 

On the back of everyone, there’s a money needed to help kids. Track there’s also a bank book which is like a kids friendly checkbook measure. 



I love this. I love this. You guys who are never too young to become an entrepreneur or to be financially literate, log on to or follow serial and Zion at I got bank on all social media. What would you tell parents? 


Sariel and Zion Phillips: 

Our products can benefit for parents and child. Children does once children get these budget bad kids to help them track their savings goals, then nothing the money starts being their parents money. They know the kids rightfully earned money. You also can find your expenses, your savings goals all to budget in a good manner. 

We also have finance. We also have financial literacy flash cards, which is based on the popular game Roblox. They have Easter egg hidden names based on people that have.  Changed our world. 



I love this and I love you both. Please make sure you go to the website, get everything that they have, and let’s share this. Let’s spread this. I need schools, libraries, everybody. We all need this in our lives to handle our money better. Thank you so much for being my guest for.