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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Lesson In Excellence | Dr. Willie Jolley

Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Lesson In Excellence”

This is the time of year when many people get married so I want to get some tips for my book, “Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!: 10 Secrets to Shape a Great Marriage” that I work with my bride, D. We’ve been married going on almost 40 years and I’ve not had an argument in almost 35 years.

This week we are celebrating the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, we know Dr King talked about the power of a dream. But he also spoke about the power of being excellent, he said if a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets, even in Michelangelo, painted or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say he lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.  

As we celebrate the birthday of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, let’s also learn how we can make his birthday and learn lessons on how to live better. Dream bigger, go bigger and pursue excellence at another level with more vigor and continue to build the beloved community. Do it today. 

Go get a free chapter from the book at and if you wanna give a great marriage gift to a newly married couple, I recommend you give them the gift that will help them stay married.