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A Lesson In Pride and Prosperity | Dr. Willie Jolley

Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital


Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “A Lesson In Pride and Prosperity”

This is the time of year when many people get married so I want to get some tips for my book, “Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!: 10 Secrets to Shape a Great Marriage” that I work with my bride, D. We’ve been married going on almost 40 years and I’ve not had an argument in almost 35 years.

I learned some powerful lessons from working with Ford Motors when I was able to help them go from the brink of bankruptcy to billion-dollar profits. Those lessons are in my book turned setbacks into greenbacks. 


One of those lessons is don’t let your pride poison your prosperity. When money gets tight in our economy, we must not let our pride get in the way of our prosperity.  


I share a story in the book about a CEO named Duke Green. I interviewed him and he had built a big company but then as recession hit, money got tight, so he personally paid his employees out of his own resources rather than himself and supported himself by driving a trash truck at night, he said he did it in college and do it again. He drove that trash truck for a year until the economy got better and as a result he was able to keep the people on his payroll and not fire anyone and a few years later, he was able to sell his company for over $500 million. 


I say to you, don’t let your pride poison your prosperity. And remember to make the most of every minute because your best is yet to come. 

Go get a free chapter from the book at and if you wanna give a great marriage gift to a newly married couple, I recommend you give them the gift that will help them stay married.