
Curlfest 2018 brought so many colorful looks!

When asked by 13-year-old Charles why Black girls are "so crazy," the former co-host of "The View" replied, "I don't know."

Get ready to swoon over these kinks, curls, and coils!

From colored afros to intricate braids, there's definitely style inspo for your next hair appointment.

A style robbery has provided one of Hip-Hop’s greatest influencers a once in a lifetime collaborative opportunity. Dapper Dan’s designs with Gucci have finally come to life. On Tuesday, July 17 Gucci and Dapper Dan released their first ever joint collection. Using the luxury fashion house’s preium materials Dap designed an assortment of ready to […]

The headscarf, while many attribute as one of Jackie O's favorite accessories, is undoubtedly a signifier of Black culture (but you'll definitely want to wear these more than to just tie up your hair at night).

Today (July 19) Fox News pundit and Donald Trump advocate Jeanine Pirro thought it was a good idea be a guest on The View. Whoopi Goldberg let her know how she felt about her President, and she wasn’t with the sh*ts.


Sports...it does a body good. >>insert the water emoji here<<

She stressed that it's "unfathomable" that cousin Dee Warwick could have ever abused the iconic singer.


Check out all the melanin magic.