
Silence The Shame is partnering with Microsoft to launch a mental health app in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month this May.

By mastering morning and night routines that align with your circadian rhythm, you can unlock a new level of well-being.

May 2 is National Day of Prayer.

If you feel like you suffer from anxiety, but aren’t quite sure, here are a few tell-tale signs.

Scripture tells us that God loves us and desires to stay close to us.

Having a solid circle of friends is important for one’s growth, but having a solid circle of friends that push you to grow closer to God is even better. Sometimes that necessary push towards growth is simpler than one may think and all it truly takes is you stepping out on faith to take that […]

To outsiders, Lisa Marie Lovett may seem to effortlessly inhabit her role, but being the face of a public platform was never part of her plan.

Since tough moments are inevitable, it is important to have a healthy outlet.

Gone are the days when modest equaled unflattering and frumpy.

Healing tea recipes are innumerable.

The first step to hearing God's voice involves active listening.

LifeWise Academy is bringing God to public schools through engaging Bible education during lunch and noncore classes like library, art, and gym. A typical morning at Etna Morning Elementary School in Ohio, for example, doesn’t look like your normal everyday school routine (see below video). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTghSVvAGis   While some students are engaged in class lessons, […]