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Start With The Heart To Win More! | Dr. Willie Jolley

Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

We’ve been talking about principles that help you grow your future by growing yourself. This is taken from my business TED talk, “How to Turn Your Setbacks and the Comebacks with an Attitude of Excellence.”

Well, one of those principles I shared was how you’ve got to “Develop the Leader Within” you because there is one in you and you have to be careful about your inputs because your inputs determine your outputs.

And that is important because you have to protect your heart. Your heart. See your eye, gate your ear gait and your heart gate is important. Why is that? Because Scripture teaches us how the heart flows through the issues of life. And as a man believe is in his heart, so as he is.

So fill yourself up. With the pure, the powerful, and the positive develop the winner within you and make a decision that your best is yet to come.