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The Power of The Flyers Prayer | Dr. Willie Jolley

Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital


Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “The Power of The Flyers Prayer”

This is the time of year when many people get married so I want to get some tips for my book, “Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!: 10 Secrets to Shape a Great Marriage” that I work with my bride, D. We’ve been married going on almost 40 years and I’ve not had an argument in almost 35 years.

10 years ago I was doing some events with Gladys Knight, my dear friend, and we were talking about flying and she said she didn’t like to fly and was nervous when she did. I shared with her prayer that I use every time I get on the plane and I put it in my book and set back set up for comeback book. That’s helped her and it helps of us, it reads. Father, thank you for another opportunity to fly your friendly skies. I ask now that you take complete control of this. And that you dispatch a legion of angels to cover this pain from the front to the back, from the top to the bottom, from wing to wing, that this plane go up at the appropriate time, come down at the appropriate time, with no incidents, accidents or unplanned occurrences. And I pray that everybody in this plane will be blessed because you reside in me and I reside in this plane in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. 


Yeah folks, it works.  

Go get a free chapter from the book at and if you wanna give a great marriage gift to a newly married couple, I recommend you give them the gift that will help them stay married.