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The Power of Reaping What You Sow | Ericaism

griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne

Let me share a lesson that has profoundly impacted my outlook on life: you reap what you sow, not necessarily where or when you sow. This insight has reshaped how I approach kindness, integrity, and the choices I make every day.

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Have you ever poured your heart into serving at a church or being kind to someone, only to feel disappointed when your efforts weren’t reciprocated? I get it. It’s natural to desire acknowledgment and kindness in return. However, what I’ve learned is that while our acts of kindness may not always be appreciated or returned by others, they are always seen and valued by a higher power.

There’s a powerful freedom in understanding that our actions should stem from a place of intrinsic goodness, not from an expectation of immediate reward or recognition. Whether it’s showing up on time when others are habitually late or extending kindness to someone who may not seem deserving, our integrity and character are not contingent on external validation.


Forgiveness and kindness can be particularly challenging, especially when faced with unkindness or hurtful behavior from others. But here’s the thing: if we believe that ultimately, justice and fairness rest in the hands of a higher authority, then we can release the burden of seeking retribution or validation from those who may not offer it.

We live in a world where the cultural narrative often tells us to protect ourselves, to be cautious with our kindness, and to withhold goodness from those who don’t reciprocate. But I challenge that notion. We should strive to be kind, gracious, and good not because others are, but because it aligns with our values and beliefs.

Related Article: Ericaism: Family Forgiveness Is Possible [VIDEO]

Life unfolds in seasons, much like planting seeds in a garden. Some seeds may flourish, while others may not, but the act of sowing goodness and integrity always yields a harvest, even if it’s not immediate or obvious.

Whether it’s excelling at work, showing kindness amidst unkindness, or simply doing the right thing when no one is watching, we are laying the groundwork for a life built on principles that transcend fleeting circumstances.

So, let’s aspire higher. Let’s choose kindness, integrity, and goodness not because we expect others to do the same, but because it’s who we are and who we strive to be. Remember, you reap what you sow, and in sowing goodness, we cultivate a world that reflects the best of what humanity can offer.