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Faith Walking: Just Be Quiet

faith walking

Source: c/s / iOne

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OK, so we all have that person in our group or family? Circle of friends that just says whatever they feel whenever they feel it. Not necessarily good at self-control or knowing the right or wrong time to say anything and it’s always funny. Or knowing the right or wrong time to say anything and it’s always funny. I’ve been in a situation a few times where at a restaurant and someone gets Max their food isn’t right and they go to the kitchen and blah blah blah do all. But then there are those who understand the beauty of quiet. And when I say the beauty of quiet, I mean silence is never misquoted, right? 


The scripture says in Exodus 1414 the Lord will fight for you and you only have to be silent. The Lord will fight for you. You only have to be silent. How come we as believers have a hard time processing that, especially in this new day and age, and listen even, you know, we can’t blame everything on social media like everybody was saying and wonderful and communicating greatly before social media. 


People have been saying too much and doing too much, got too mad, said too much, went too far and some you’ll be cussing. What the scripture tells us that the Lord will fight for you. It is so hard because the enemy tells you that you need to stand up for yourself and fight for yourself, and you need to say something back. But when God vindicates you, it’s much better than what you can do. I always tell people God fight better than me, so I don’t have to fight my battles cause God going to take care of you. 




And here’s what I love about the father. He can take care of you, right? Vindicate me, and then allow us to still be cool. That’s how God does it when you fight for you as the enemy for the rest of your life. When God fights for you, they come back to you and apologize, and you’re still able to communicate, restore the relationship, and get back to a healthy place. 


But when you’re fighting your own battles, it gets messy. It gets sticky because the enemy gets in and he’s e’s motivating and he’s, you know, giving you these little things. And what about this? And then? Ohh remember when they said that God don’t work like that? The father ain’t messy and he ain’t petty. 


So when you learn to just quiet yourself, whether that’s in your workspace, whether that’s in your family or in your church. Learning to quiet yourself and allowing God to do what he does. God, what are you saying to me? Why am I in this situation? Is there something that I’m supposed to learn these are? Things that I say to myself when I’m in those funny situations where I want to respond to a comment say something you know you know you gonna be in the same room with them and you want to give a little slick. No, don’t do it. Just say hello. I know it’s not easy. I know it’s uncomfortable when y’all really like these kind of messages, but I’m telling you, this is what Scripture says. It also says uh, know this, my beloved let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. 


Take a beat. Take a moment. Take a deep breath. Don’t respond first. Don’t get angry. First am I tripping? That’s it. That’s an OK. Question actually, am I tripping right? But don’t go off first, right? Give yourself some time to process what’s going on before you allow yourself to go all the way there. All the way there. You know, the ones that are real proud to don’t play with me because I will and I will go off and I will just sounds like immaturity to me. Just sounds like a lack of self-control to me, but that’s you know, that’s how I operate. I ain’t judging you, but I’m just telling. 


You what the word says slow to anger. Slow to speak right. God will fight for you. You only have to be quiet and the silence can never be misquoted. Well, I didn’t mean it like that. Well, wow. And you know, somebody gonna record you and play it over and over and over and over. So just operating self-control. Let God fight the battle. He fights much better than we do anyway.