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Sex & Sexuality | Ericaism

griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne

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Alright, listen, I love being a church girl and I love that I grew up in church where I felt like they addressed every side of you as a human being. Even your wants and desires. Even when it came to relationship I loved that. I mean, if y’all church girls y’all know what I mean?  


You just hear as it relates to in intimate relations will say this morning. Good morning, children intimate relations, they said things like just don’t do it, but I am so so grateful that I did that. I heard more than that growing up in the church that I was in my first lady, who was also my aunt, was a beautiful woman who was very comfortable in her sexuality. She taught us girls to look beautiful but she did say we’re not giving stuff away for free. Ear because God has a higher demand on your life. 


Don’t do it just because don’t do it because of the demand on your life and then the beauty of it and how it connects you to your spouse later, when you get married. And I think because they had that conversation, the, the we didn’t have a lot of teenage pregnancies when I was growing up in my church. And I think that people stopped talking about it because we are in the era of don’t tell me anything. And that’s my business and we’re offended by everything, but we are missing some steps. 

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And so while I know politically the battle that is going on with abortions, I just think it’s the church we got to go way back to the beginning of this conversation and talk about sex and sexuality. The fact that God created it, the enemy, perverted it we gave it away. If our kids know who they are in Christ, if they understand the power of who they are in Christ and why the enemy fight so hard for their souls, it’s not just because he’s trying to block your blessings. 


What does he want to kill, steal and destroy your future? Your purpose, your relationships, your mind, all of that. And so when you don’t know who you are in Christ, you make wrong decisions. A lady named Trevor Williams that used to work with me and Tina. She now produces a bunch of the TV shows, probably some of your favorite that you watch. She used to tell her sons and we would hear her say it. It only takes one decision to destroy your life. It only it only takes 1 bad relationship to destroy your life, it only takes one night, one moment to destroy your life. When you teach the power of relationship and I know people, you know who have horrible situations with the the, the parent of the child. I don’t want to say baby Daddy, baby Mama. That just sounds so cheap to me. But when you have ao many issues that go along with creating a child, a life with someone that you don’t like, don’t know, don’t spend time with, don’t value, don’t honor what is the child left with. 


So see, that’s what I mean when I’m talking about. If you teach things on the front and don’t miss some steps and talk about Baby Daddy, if you talk about identity and who you are in Christ. If you talk about the beauty of relationship and how God created it, then you bought you miss all that other stuff because you already addressed it at the onset. You gave them the reason and purpose my. My pastor and first lady loved each other. They loved loving on each other. They were a beautiful couple and we had a bunch of examples like that. So we all loved marriage. So it wasn’t just the intimacy that was interesting, it was the relationship. It was how cute they were. It was how they stood up for each other. It was how they adored and honored each other. 


And so you aren’t. You learn to respect and honor marriage, but if you’re in a church where they demonize and vilify marriage because the marriages are toxic and unhealthy, then they know you ain’t need the young people aspiring to that. We’ve got to make sure that we’re having the early conversations before we get to the don’t. Do it what it is, why God created it, how beautiful it is, how the enemy wants to manipulate it, and why when you understand that, then you’re not going to make frivolous choices, right? You’re not going to let your flesh leave. You’re going to let your body leave because you understand on a different level. 


I really want our churches to start having these conversations about identity and what people. In my church, I don’t care what you are. I don’t care what you call yourself. Come to church, because my whole goal is to teach you to go after God. And when you’re going after God, then what I want and my flesh always becomes secondary because God is primary, make God and Jesus and loving him and serving him the primary.