In this Ericaism, Erica Campbell explains why comparing yourself to someone else is never good.

In Love Talking, Erica Campbell talks about loving yourself enough to tell the truth.

In the Ericaism, Erica Campbell talks about the little girl she used to be.

In this Ericaism, Erica Campbell discusses what she calls a "social media time warp."

In Faith Walking, Erica Campbell talks about the cleaning spree she is going on all over the house.

In this edition of the Ericaism, Erica Campbell explains why she’s not into blaming anybody but herself when things don’t go as planned. If she’s late, she won’t blame traffic, she’ll be honest with herself and realize she didn’t give herself enough time. It is only we ourselves, she says, who are responsible for our […]

In this edition of Erica Campbell‘s Love Talk is focused on the challenge of loving ourselves constantly. The love of self is probably the hardest form of love to keep up with and to stay healthy with, because we are always our own greatest critics. Even the advice and nurturing we give other people, we don’t take […]