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Walk Don’t Curse Your Enemies | Faith Walking

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Source: c/s / iOne

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One of my favorite scriptures is in Romans 12. It’s just the whole of Romans 12. If you are a believer and you, you know, trying to walk upright and you’re really trying to understand what God wants from me, how can I live a life that gives God glory this scripture will definitely help you. But it is not an easy one to process, especially when you get down to verse 14 when it says. “Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those that rejoice, weep with those that we live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly man.” That’s hard to process because you know we feel like we can put our enemies on a list and never forgive them. 


Even though the scripture tells us to forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, if you are trying to be like Christ, you’re always going to have an opportunity to be like Christ, right? So you’re always going to be put in a situation where you can make a decision on how I will respond, how I will act. I don’t know if it’s somebody at your job. Don’t say nothing. If y’all both sitting there. God bless both y’all. You just. You look straight and she looks straight. Don’t nobody say nothing. But this is an opportunity for you to figure out. Am I going to apologize or I’m going to hold anger in my heart? Am I going to forgive or will I hold anger in my heart? Because if we’re trying to be like Jesus, then we actually have to be like Jesus, you know? 




And so that means being gracious and forgiving. That means being understanding people ask me all the time. You know what? How do you process people that are mean and and people that do this and do that? Listen, I don’t have to have them over my house for dinner, but I’m definitely not holding anger or evil in my heart for them because when I stand before God, he’s not going to tell whatever excuse I try to give him, it’s not going to fly. 


So take a moment with Romans 12, Romans 12 if you need to bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse them. That’s what the word says. I love you. And I mean it. That’s my faith walk. I’m sure somebody in the car not going. That’s not Erica. You couldn’t pick another one this morning. You couldn’t pick the one where I get blessed. You couldn’t pick the one where I get all the things that I’m asking for. Nope, not today. Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse them. That’s what the word says.